Sunday, November 9, 2014

Q&A with Dr. Ma. Mercedes Rodrigo

In my other blog, I started a Q&A with a Doctor feature.  I'm bringing it here to this new blog address.  The objective of this feature is to get to know the person better and in a more informal manner.  Please welcome the very first respondent - Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, PhD.  She is a Professor at the School of Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University.

Title of Your Dissertation: Information Technology Usage in Metro Manila Public and Private Schools
University and Year: Nova Southeastern University, 2002
Email address:

Q: What's your research all about?  How information technology can be used for education.

Q: How did you organise your research study?  My dissertation was survey research.  I fielded out a survey about IT uses in different public and private schools within my region in the Philippines.

Q: What's your usual schedule when you were studying?  I had to block off large chunks of time---half a day to a day---to read literature, process data, and write.  When I was finally writing, I was producing about 10 pages a day, which felt very slow to me, but people reassured me that it was a good pace.

Q: How easy/difficult was it studying for your PhD?  I was in a distance education course, so I had to overcome a feeling of isolation and disconnectedness from the rest of my colleagues.  Finding the right topic was also difficult.  I think I submitted 10 proposals or revisions of proposals before my topic was finally approved.  The research itself was also challenging because the respondents were all over the city, so I had to send out and pick up all the questionnaires.  Finally, there was a lot of data to encode and crunch.  I can't say there was a single easy stretch, but I will say that the challenge was not insurmountable.  Everything could be worked out.  I just had to stay focused.

Q: What are your thoughts on presenting your on-going research in conferences?  I think it's very important to get feedback from your peers, so the dialogs during conferences are invaluable.

Q: Experience with your adviser.  My adviser, Dr. Steven Zink, was truly supportive,  He gave me detailed, substantial feedback each time I submitted to him.  I could not have finished without him.

Q: How did you cope with graduate student life?  Since I was in a distance ed course, life was pretty "normal"---home. family, some teaching on the side. Because the environment was so unstructured, there was a temptation to put things off.  It's easy to get distracted.  To make progress required self-motivation, discipline, and focus.

Q: What did you do after you graduated?  I was teaching at a university before I began my studies.  I returned to the same university after.

Q: What's your favourite book?  The Sandman series of Neil Gaiman.

Q: Got a favourite sports team?  The Ateneo Blue Eagles.

Q: Name three people, dead or alive, you'll like to have dinner with?  Mother Teresa, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Neil Gaiman.

Q: What charity would you give money to?  The Ateneo Center for Education and Development

Q: Are you a cat or dog person?  Dog

Q: What are your thoughts on reality TV?  Sorry, I don't watch reality TV.

Q: Do you have any hobbies?  Yes.  I write, I go to the gym.

Q: What do you have for breakfast?  Usually rice plus some meat or vegetable dish.

Q: Something not many people know about you.  I'm allergic to tomatoes.

Q: Do you have any phobias?  Cockroaches

Q: If you could travel back in time, when and where would it be?  I'd love to visit Europe during the Middle Ages.

Q: Best advice you ever got.  Take the time to dream.

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