Sunday, December 22, 2013

Basketball on a Sunday morning

I've recently organised my son's basketball team.  They practice every Sunday morning and have been regularly going to the gym for the past two months. There are two other parents who do the coaching because I told them I'm good at organising but not coaching.

This morning, both of them are indisposed, and I have these group of boys eager to train and play.  Normally, while the boys are playing I hang around with the parents to talk and catch-up on whatever.  Today, I had to juggle the two tasks.  But I survived.

I've noticed that the passion of the boys for playing basketball is unmatched! I've mentioned this so many times to the boys and the parents, that its not only learning and excelling in playing basketball, but its more about applying what you've learned in basketball like sportsmanship, coordination, agility, leadership and many more, to survive and conquer the game of life!

I'm so glad to be a part of the growth of these kids!  Well my son is one of them and seeing him gain confidence and learn all the skills, is worthy of waking up very early on a Sunday morning!  That's how I started my morning. I do hope yours was meaningful too!

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